PHOTO DIARY | Last entry | 6 / 1 / 22
Back in Angkor Wat | Bangkok Quarantine | Merry Christmas from France | Working abroad | Another forest fire in Spain | Huge drops of rain after record hot day | Playing at the waterfall with nieces and nephew | Erik and Noguera are saying goodbye | Dad collecting fire wood | old mattress | The Plastic Glacier & Surfing in Almeria | Back in Holland
Locations: Siem Reap Cambodia, Bangkok, Thailand, Nesle France, Sestri Velante, Italy, Suriname, Paramaribo & Nickeri, Spain, Elche, San Jose, Lorca, Almeria - Playa de Mónsul, Natural Park Cabo de Gata , movie location Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Molinicos / Elche de la Sierra, Albacete, Riopar. | Zeeland Amsterdam | Brabant, The Netherlands